Heo Woong, clarification through YouTube broadcast denies assault, forced abortion, etc.

Heo Woong, clarification through YouTube broadcast denies assault, forced abortion, etc.

Blog Article

Busan KCC's starting player Heo Woong, who filed a police complaint against his ex-girlfriend, appeared on his YouTube

channel and revealed his position.

On the 5th, Heo Woong appeared on the YouTube channel 'Caracula Media' and explained the various controversies

surrounding his ex-girlfriend A.

Last month, Heo Woong filed a complaint against Mr. A at the Gangnam Police Station in Seoul on charges of attempted

extortion, intimidation, and violation of the Stalking Punishment Act.

Since then, there have been claims between Heo Woong and Mr. A that they are exposing each other's private lives.

Last month, Heo Woong announced through his agency, Key Player Agency, that he would "no longer express his position

and will state his position to the public once the investigation results come out." However, just one week later, he revealed

his position again through YouTube.

Heo Woong explained the background to his decision to come forward, saying, "It was difficult because there were articles

that were not true and people only 합법 criticized me."

He responded to the claim that he pressured Ms. A into having an abortion by saying, "I never did that at all," and "I

wanted to have the child because I truly loved her, and I always wanted to get married."

Regarding the assault allegations, he explained, "During an argument outside the hotel, that friend grabbed me," and

"While I was shaking him off, one of the laminates he had put on hit my hand and fell off."

Regarding Mr. A's claim that Heo Woong's side first offered to give him 300 million won, he denied it, saying, "That is not

true at all" and "They made stronger threats, such as saying that if it didn't work out for me, they would send it to my

fellow basketball players, my parents, and reporters, and they always asked for money in the end."

He admitted to entering Mr. A's house without permission and leaving a message, but he also claimed that he did so

because he wanted to meet again after breaking up and that there was no intention of threatening.

Regarding her somewhat indifferent response when she heard the news of her pregnancy, she explained, "There were parts

of me that suspected that it might not be my child."

Heo Woong emphasized, "The truth will come out," and "I received threats on May 5th during the championship match.

There were so many parts that were different from the truth that I decided to appear."

He shed tears during the interview and said, "I accept my mistakes," but added, "I apologize to my fans for exposing my

private life."

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